What is Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)?
CRHP is an ongoing renewal program that serves parishes everywhere, but is new to Uptown Catholic Region! It is comprised of yearly renewal weekends for men and women. These weekends will be held on the Uptown Catholic Campus and include group activities and interaction, scripture, prayer and reflection on nine renewal themes.
CRHP is a weekend experience designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and with others. As the name implies the weekend is all about renewal. During the weekend, you will listen to scripture and many people share their real-life experiences. Many participants enjoy getting to know others that share the same daily struggles and challenges. Following the weekend, a formation process begins. Formation is a fun way to grow spiritually and develop relationships with your team. Your team also prepares themselves to ‘give’ the weekend experiences the following year.
Who attends the weekend?
All Uptown Catholic parishioners are invited to attend. You do not have to be a spiritual person to attend the weekend. In fact, many men and women attend because they are not as spiritual as they would like. People often attend because their spouse previously attended. Others attend because they have a desire to find something that is missing in their life. Still others attend because they are searching for peace and comfort. All receive unconditional love and acceptance from their CRHP brothers or sisters. There are separate weekends for men and women.
When is it, and where?
The Men's CRHP weekend will be June 3-4.
The Women's CRHP weekend will be June 8-9, 2024.
Both weekends will be hosted at St. Monica-St. George Catholic Center. (Schedule forthcoming)
Why does Uptown Catholic need CRHP?
The parishes of the Uptown Catholic Region are calling all of our parishioners to renewal and CRHP is one way to develop a stronger faith and a deeper relationship with Jesus. CRHP inspires and energizes parishioners as well as helps to continue to build connections within our community. Now, more than ever, we need our parishioners to grow in their love for Jesus and their love for each other.
Why does CRHP seem secretive?
There are many special parts of CRHP that are better left unknown to the participants. The CRHP process is well designed and has been successful in many parishes since the early 80’s. At other parishes that have successfully implemented CRHP, it has been found that the experience is richer when you do not know everything about the weekend or the formation process. Additionally, one of the cornerstones of CRHP is confidentiality. When someone denies your request to share information about the weekend or the formation process, it is because they are following the confidentiality guideline, or they do not want to reveal something that will lessen your experience.