The family is called the "domestic Church." Family is the primary place where the faith is taught, experienced, and shared. Parents have a great responsibility as the primary teachers of their children in the Catholic faith. To assist parents with this great responsibility, our Faith Formation is focused on building "A Family of Faith."
This program empowers parents to grow in their faith personally and to pass on that faith to their children. It emphasizes intentional time spent together talking about faith with their children and praying together as a family. Read on to find out more!
A Family of Faith follows a four-year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism is covered per year from September-May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age-appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.
After four years, families will have been guided through at least a summary of the entirety of the Catechism and will have developed a broad understanding of the Church's teachings. Families then cycle through the program again in order to deepen their knowledge and develop the habits needed for life-long spiritual growth.
You can learn more about the Family of Faith Curriculum at the publisher's website.
The Children's Activity Book is designed to help children come to know the Catholic Faith through fun games and activities. The Parent's Guide offers talking points for how to use each activity in the children's book as a teachable moment, leading the child to a deeper relationship with Christ.
Once a month, all parents will attend a lesson teaching them the lessons that they will teach their children that month. The children will be divided into grade-specific rooms with catechists during the parent meetings.
The parent lesson will give parents the knowledge, resources, and understanding of the two lessons and various age-appropriate activities that they will be teaching and participating in with their families at home for the rest of the month.
Once a month, there will be a social gathering for families to attend together. These are designed to put into practice what we have learned in the classroom, and grow together in fellowship and community as a parish.
Please see the schedule below for the dates of these catechetical and communal gatherings.
We want our expectations to be clear at the start of the program so that families are set up for success! These are not optional, but are designed so that both parents and children are empowered to be the committed Christians they are called to be!
1. Parents commit to learning from the provided monthly classAll classes take place at MOGO from 11:15am - 1pm
October 1, 2023
What is Prayer? & Salvation History
October 15, 2023**
October family lesson
November 5, 2023
Jesus Teaches Us To Pray
November 19, 2023**
November family lesson
December 3, 2023
Our Father: the First 3 Petitions
December 17, 2023**
December family lesson
January 7, 2024
Our Father: the Last 4 Petitions & The Holy Spirit
January 21, 2024**
January Family lesson
February 4, 2024
Virgin Mary & Expressions of Prayer
February 18, 2024**
February Family lesson
March 3, 2024
Praying with Scripture & Forms of Prayer
March 17, 2024**
March Family Lesson
April 7, 2024
Battle of Prayer & Communion of Saints
April 21, 2024**
April Family Lesson
May 5, 2024
“Ask the Priest”
Locations vary
September 23, 2023
Family Hike
10AM - Caesar Creek State Park
October 28, 2023
All Saints Trunk or Treat & Fall Fest
6PM - Annunciation
December 1, 2023
Advent Celebration
Wreath Making & Blessing
5:30PM - MOGO
December 12, 2023
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta
February 13, 2024
Shrove Tuesday
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM - Annunciation
March 1, 2024
Soup & Stations
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM - Annunciation
March 22, 2024
Soup & Stations
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM - Annunciation
April 13, 2024
Family Service Project
6 PM - 8 PM - Annunciation
May 19, 2024
May Crowning Mass & Procession
9 AM - Annunciation
10 AM - MOGO
A Family of Faith is for every family with children in Kindergarten to 8th grade. All families from our parishes (Annunciation, St. Monica-St. George, and Holy Name) are invited to take part in this program, regardless of whether their children are enrolled in Catholic school or not. All are encouraged to join this program! The goal of this program is to reach all families in our parish and form them in the faith and bring them closer in relationship, both within the family and also in the greater community.
The primary difference will be that parents are the catechists for their children. This is a radical change from previous models of formation for children, in which the parish usually provided traditional classroom-model classes and teachers. While this is a great responsibility for parents, it is also a great opportunity for them to learn the Faith and bring the family together, uniting them in faith.
Good question! The issue with having Faith Formation in a classroom setting is that it has not been an effective way for the Faith to be passed on to our children. As they grow up, children end up leaving the Faith. Our goal is to have our children become full, active, and devoted Roman Catholics - true disciples of Jesus Christ who are on fire with the love of God in their hearts and following the true teachings of the Church completely. We think that the best way to do that is through both parents and children being engaged and involved in the Faith, sharing that together.
The monthly catechetical lessons will be held following the 9am Mass at the Klug Center at Annunciation. The parents & children will be divided into the classrooms. The communal events vary in location between the parishes of our region, and some off-campus sites.
Overall, there’s a lot more flexibility in A Family of Faith than in a traditional religious education program. You determine when to do the two monthly lessons—at home, on your family’s schedule, and at your child’s level. The program runs from September to May. A calendar with dates and locations for the year can be found above, and a physical copy will be provided at the first parent session.
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will find the registration link. Registration is $30 per child, with a limit of $90 per family. Children receiving a Sacrament this year have an additional $30 Sacramental Prep fee.
Be not afraid! A Family of Faith has very easily understood content and lessons, as well as step-by-step instructions for each activity. Before having to teach a lesson, parents first learn and gain knowledge in the Faith, which helps you then teach with confidence. Other tools are also available to you to help you answer questions that you do not know. It is developed so that, with a small amount of preparation, the lesson can be taught effectively by any adult! It is a great opportunity to get to know your Faith better!
All of those who wish to receive First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion or Confirmation must take part in A Family of Faith. Children in Sacramental Preparation years will be taught the curriculum respective to that Sacrament in their monthly classes. Please see the links below for First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion or Confirmation for more information.
We will have Safe Parish-certified babysitters to watch all children under 5, so that parents can participate in class with limited distractions!
Email will be the normal method of communication.
Don't be afraid to email with your questions!